Go Germany !!
Berlin Day 3
Early morning sun.
It's game day ! Today was the day Germany would play the finals against Argentina. More on that later!
I started my day off early heading to a local coffee shop for a morning cappuccino (and internet).
He kept looking my way so I couldn't not take a photo.
Today we went off to see some of the infamous Berlin Wall. We had found an outdoor walking tour online and thought it would be cool.
Wall model in cast metal.
Tilt shift the instagramer
This very cool and modern set of flats sits right along the old wall's path.
Another set of flats along the old wall.
Mom and sister by the wall.
Tilt Shift at the wall.
After the wall walk we went off to a local sunday flee market.
Flee market.
Knick nacks at the flee market
Future lawn ornament ?
At one point a bit of a tussle broke out and from what I could tell the skinny looking guy put on one of the bigger gentleman's necklaces and tried to just walk off. The bigger guy got quite mad quite quickly.
"Give it back"
After scouring the market for a camera and finding only abused and dirty folding cameras we got a dumping of rain.
Rain does fall on the train.
Ironically the store right outside the station.
To get out of the rain we went for lunch.
35 TS test-shots.
Do love the bokeh.
Chicken Sandwich for lunch.
Chips to share.
After lunch we went back to the hotel to get ready for the nights game. We would head to the Fanmeile to see the game. This meant walking around the entirety of the Großer Tiergarten to get to the entrance of the Mile.
Getting ready
Getting it all down.
We followed locals throughout the small paths in the park in hopes of finding an entrance.
Think he gets reception with those?
Sea of people waiting in the pouring rain for the game to begin.
Don't we look so warm?
As the game started the rain disappeared, although I was already soaked It was time for the game, so no bellyaching.
Game time
Flare to start.
Realizing the first goal was offside
You really don't realize how taxing standing for five hours is until you do it. The longer the game went the more frustrated the crowd became.
And then GOAL!!!
I know it is a cliché but the air was electric ! Everywhere you looked people were going nuts. Then it began to look like a post apocalyptic scene.
Go Grermany! Whats that red stuff ?
Oh there are more road flares!
This would be anarchy in North America.
Spotlight at the Fanmeile.
It was a well played tournament Germany ! Well deserved !