'Iao Valley and Pie
Having been to Maui often, many of the activities that are on the island we've done once or twice before. Today we went to a new place, 'Iao Valley in 'Iao State Park (pronounced like you've been pinched). Hidden in the West mountains of Maui, the 'Iao Valley is a practical Eden, vegetation covered everything it could.
The road into the park was great, covered in green with great sweeping curves into the valley.
The terrain in the valley was stunning, Grand mountains towering over everything with shear drops on every end.
When we got up to the parking we were met with some very large tour busses, packed full of vacationers, the walk up the valley was a bit busy.
Thanks Polynesian tours.
Nevertheless, it was an amazing forest.
All things come to light.
After reaching the top I busted through 2 rolls of Velvia and then we returned to the car. On the way back down the valley, we noticed a set of very beautiful gardens on the side of the road. Upon further inquiry we realized that we had stumbled on the Kepaniwai Heritage Gardens. The area included a multitude of Ethnic gardens. The most notable of these was the Japanses and Korean gardens.
Entrance to the Japanese Garden
Dr. Sen Yat-Sen, Father of the Republic of China. I don't know why it was placed in the Japanese gardens but it was.
Mom over a river of water lilies
In the words of lil Jon, get low.
Green, everywhere.
Trying out a new perspective.
It was a peaceful place with beautiful colors
Monument commemorating the arrival of Japanese Immigrants.
I then headed over to the Korean Garden.
Main Entrance
Hanok to the left
Another view
In the centre of the compound there was a massive Banyan tree.
Thicker Roots
The tree can be seen in the background. This flower was growing from the Portuguese gardens
Roots on the way down.
I then headed over to see the portuguese garden
Almost Festa time
Neglected slightly, the fountain brought with it a sense of age.
The walk into the Portuguese gardens
The centre piece
After exploring these gardens we were famished, so we went for some lunch.
Heading towards Lahaina
We decided to go to Leoda's Kitchen and Pie Shop for lunch, and naturally, pie.
Leoda's burger (chicken breast in lue of beef) topped with fresh veg.
Stacked and ready to eat.
Very, very good pie. Banana cream naturally.
Pie before being ravaged.
After pie, we stopped by a light beacon at the edge of the water for some fresh air and a great view.
Light beacon.
Looking down.
Very dynamic terrain.
Our Ford Explorer has served us quite well so far.
We headed back for the night