Lavender Farm in the Rain

Heading off at noon we decided to go up the Mountain to the Ali'i Kula Lavender Farm for a quick peak. 

After indulging in a quick bite at the South Shore Tiki Lounge we proceeded up the mountain.

A small part of the farm

Upon arriving at the farm it was clear to us that there was no real hope for any sun this day. Clouds covered everything and rain was spitting down.


Seeing as the lavender had recently been harvested I took sometime photographing the many flowers on the farm

Big flower covered in rain.


Pretty and pink

Bulb, I can only imagine it become significantly larger.

We then checked out the quaint shop on the farm.

Wreath at the front door.

Lavaender Honey Scrum

We strolled over to the feilds

Endless mounds.

Quick family shot, My sister decided to layer.

Van collecting rain

Mom showing her piece of lavender

Eventually the sun came out and we were treated to a very nice sunset to end the day.

Streaks peaking out 

Sunset from out Condo.


Happy Mothers Day !


'Iao Valley and Pie