Happy Mothers Day !
Mother's Day fell on our second last day in paradise (cleverly planned by a certain person I do believe). I spent the day with my Mom and family going around fulfilling her every wish, basically.
We we started off at the Shops at Wailea for a little early morning shopping.
Hats in Gucci
After popping into a couple of shops, she settled on Tiffany & co.
Little Cakes
Sister modelling the cake
They were delicious.
Tiffany charms
Mom eventually decided on a very beautiful ring. Which was warped with much precision.
The wrapping was meticulous.
Mom was very pleased with her gift, feeling a bit famished, we headed to lunch.
NY steak sandwich.
After lunch even I got some shopping done.
Billabong severed me well
We went home for some light packing, relaxing, and ended the day with watching the sunset from Chang's Beach.
Walk done to the beach.
Chang's from the path.
Everyone in a our colourful chairs.
We had a spectacular view for our last night.
Testing the Panorama function on the A7r
We headed home for dinner. More tomorrow.