Good eating on Maui

This was a day of good eating.

A late morning wake up had me heading for lunch rather than breakfast first thing.

Road side fields 

No parking.

Irish Hawaiian?

We decided on a local favorite of mine, the Tiki Lounge in Kihei. It has some of the best pizza in the area paired with a nice patio (Lanai?) we thought it would make a nice lunch spot for this hot day.



We ordered up some Drinks, Pizza, and some Nachos

Nachos, Sour Cream and Guacamole

Nachos, Sour Cream and Guacamole

Jungle juice.

Hawaiian in Hawaii.

The Hawaiian pizza was as good as ever. Canadian bacon and fresh pineapple.

Being such a hot day, some people couldn't keep there perspiration under control

Taking off the dew

To rectify the issue, we went to look for some hats.

Looks good yes?

Old asian ladies love him.

Local stall

While leaving we noticed the car was covered in bird crap.

So we washed it.

Car wash.

This would end our lunch time out. We then headed home to relax a while before another tiresome meal.

Sun behind trees

The jeep isn't always there.

I set up my Mamiya RZ67 and waited for the colours in the sky to saturate .

My Mamiya

From here we headed to a restaurant called Capische. Located in the Hotel Wailea is a great Italian restaurant. 

On the way into the restaurant.

Old and new light add to the atmosphere.

Colourful bar on the way in

When it came time to order, I decided to go full Italian with another Caprese salad (since my pervious encounter with a Caprese had been so disappointing) and the Spaghetti  Carbonara. 

Both where excellent decisions.


A very good Caprese

Carbonara, after the topping egg had been broken and mixed into the dish.

Ultimately the food was great. Stuffed from these dishes we skipped on dessert and headed home.


I Swear, I'm not a foodie....


A Day Spent Shooting is a Day Spent Well