A Day Spent Shooting is a Day Spent Well

Today I decided to spend my day shooting whatever I came across. It was a digital and analog day. I can think of few better ways to spend your days here.

My day began with breakfast, once again, at Maui Taco in Kihei.

I think there's something in the water... or fish ?

This time, with my sister and mother, we all indulged in some local Mexican foods.

Arizona, again.

Pulled Pork Quesadilla.

After some of the best Pulled Pork Quesadillas I have ever had we continued on with our days. My mother and sister went to the beach whilst I went for my photographs.

Near our Condo, I had noticed a small church on a small side road which I decided to explore. 

Church walkway entry. 

I parked my Ford Edge, which on a side note is an atrocious vehicle, and walked onto the property.

Keawaka'i Church in Makena

The Keawaka'i Church in Makena has stood since the mid 1800s. Today the church still hold services and contains a modest cemetery. 

From the Church I drove into the Kihei area and started to walk the beachfront for people to photograph.

Dangerous shorebreak.

An old asian man, just watching.....

An old asian man, just watching.....

As I walked the beachfront I came across an elderly gentleman with a Sony point-and-shoot looking towards the Beach. I then noticed his camera was zoomed in to the maximum. 

After walking a little past him I observed that he was focusing on a set of 20yr olds on the beach, mostly women. Not wanting to make a fuss I continued on my way down the path.

Mother daughter swings.

Being a Saturday, families were littered through the park.

Dog toy 

At a point I got to volleyball court where I was allowed to take some shots of the game.




Game over.

The Game ended and I headed home. The RZ starts to weigh on you after a couple hours in 32°C. My time in the park was well enjoyed.


After a drive to the Airport to pick up my father we headed home for some grub. My sister had spent her time cooking a "one-pot" pasta. One pot, everything goes in it. 

It was delicious !

One pot pasta with mushrooms.

To finish the meal we enjoyed some Mint Oreo ice cream with fruit, served in a wine glass for some odd reason. Never the less, a great home meal.

Great treat.

That would be the end for Saturday, more photographs in the days to come.


Good eating on Maui


A Disappointing Dinner