Ich liebe Berlin

Euro Trip 2014 is officially kicking off!

Each summer me and my Family travel to some part of the work for a couple weeks . This year we returned to Germany and area for our trip.

Leaving Calgary.

As I can't stand sleeping on planes I pounded this Venti 4 shot cap right before boarding

Leaving Calgary around 6pm we boarded our flight to the 'Edmonton' of airports, Frankfurt.

Everyone settling in for the flight.

This kid found his likeness to my dad amusing.

This kid found his likeness to my dad amusing.

Some nice German lady and I took up the centre row allowing us some freedom to stretch along the flight. 

The drooling started nice and early on this flight.

On arrival we were famished seeing as the gourmet meals Air Canada provided had the awful side-effect of making you sick and hungrier at the same time. As any good tourists, we dove right into the local cuisine during our extended layover in Frankfurt.

Arrivals - Connections - Keep marching

Mom looking fresh right after the first flight.

First Shot with the old FD mount Tilt-shift adapted to the A7r. Really love the effect. 

Everyone was a bit sleepy.

Our connection got delayed, so we eat food and drank.

First beer in country.

They call it a Hamburger, must me a local delicacy.

Twas good.

My schnitzel mit pommes

In the brief time I was in Germany I got the impression that germans really do like mini-motorized transportation.

The cutest airport tug of them all.

The cutest airport tug of them all.

Even some thats not supposed to be ridden.

After more waiting, we boarded our flight to Berlin. Which was held on the tarmac for another one hour. Fantastic. 

On the flight I passed out from exhaustion and awoke just in time to take a shot as we landed. 

Hi Berlin.

Hi Berlin.

We disembarked and got a cab into town.

He stare creeps we out.

Waiting for bags.

Waiting for bags.

Never got his name, but he was quick to inform us he was Persian.

Drive into Berlin.

We got settled in and went for dinner. 

The Skylight in our Hotel.

AEROFLOT Headquarters.


"I had a crazy night yesterday, I even lost my Flip-flop...." Was a conversation had somewhere but it's owner. 

Thug Life. 

We ate and quickly headed back for some needed rest. More tomorrow!

Flowers at the restaurant.

Bikes at night. 


Berlin Gets Weird Quickly


Spring Time In The City