Lilac Festival and a Great Breakfast
Every year in Calgary, the Lilac festival takes over 4th Street. Having heard so much about it year after year, Jime and myself decided to check it out finally.
We took Breakfast at Vendome Cafe just off 10th St in Kensington.
Vendom's nice wooden sign
Some nice window light was coming in
Jime learning to use her new camera
Flowers on all the tables looked quite nice.
Their menu is fairly large and based mainly off of egg and panini items, though we did manage to stick with our gluten-free challenge.
Two poached Eggs on Hash-browns with BACON, so so good.
After devouring our meals we headed off to 4th street. It was packed to say the least!
It was very busy at the Festival
It seems I can't escape photography, no matter where I go.
Booth selling wet plate photographs.
Shoot in progress.
The Camera Store TV crew in action.
"Don't pick me up!!!!"
CPS on the job.
The size of the festival was really what got me, it was very, very large.
Break it down !
Best seat in the house
We came across some sweet neon art.
Talented Sketch Artist
While the sun didn't show up we escaped the rain. We both enjoyed the day, even with our feet hurting.
Loving Spring so far.