Back to Hawaii
After a long term at school I jumped on a plane and headed back to my favourite Hawaiian Island, Maui.
As previous trips, I would continue my "People of Maui" series with my Mamiya RZ67 and a boat load of Kodak Portra Film. In addition to my film monster, I brought along my new Sony Alpha A7R.
Lady's head as the plane sat on the tarmac.
Upon boarding our flight and battening the hatches for take-off our pilot aborted, apparently the landing gears feedback was not to his liking. This would have us sitting on the tarmac and at the gate for another 45 minutes cutting ever so into our connection in Vancouver. We luckily make our connection in Vancouver despite some significant scrutiny of my film supplies.
Thrifty rentals in Kahului
Upon our successful arrival in Kahului (OGG) we rushed over to Thrifty rentals to avoid the post-flight rush of hula shirted individuals with visors and sock-sandal combinations.
Mom exiting Thrifty rentals.
With our technique successful and our Ford Edge acquired we proceeded to retrieve my sibling from the baggage claim (not in a piece of luggage) and headed off to find something to eat.
Upon further discussion between the three of us we decided on Whole Foods. With groceries and hot meals all in one convenient location, why not right?
All the citrus
House made guacamole, some of the best I've ever had.
I think these are mangos... maybe?
Many beverage cans, very colourful. Usually coconut or energy related. Sometimes both.
Salad bar containing many Healthy Eatings, of which I had none.
Umbrellas hung from the room throughout the store
All the meat.
House made gelato.
After retrieving some of the necessities from all of the different departments in the store we grabbed our dinners and headed outside.
As per tradition, Orange Chicken was my choice from the Whole Food menu.
Just a couple things....
Orange Chicken and a fresh squeezed orange juice.
Following what can only be described as the best post flight meal we headed to the condo and retired for the night.
More soon.